A Lesson in Colors with Play Dough

Today my 2.5 year old and I made play dough in primary colors, which we then mixed together to make the secondary colors. There's something magical about putting a ball of red and a ball of blue together and watching it slowly swirl together in your fingers into purple. And then brown, because of course after that we mixed them all together (having a two year old is very hard on my perfectionist nature!). We used this no-bake play dough recipe from PBS with great results. I actually quartered it because that seemed like A LOT of dough. And it was. A quarter was just right for our purposes. To save you the trouble of the math, here're the amounts we used:
  • 1 c. flour
  • 1/3 c. salt (okay, technically, if you quarter the recipe it's 1/4 c and 2 tbsp, but 1/3 worked well.)
  • 1/4 c. water
  • 1 tbsp oil
  1.  Mix it all together. You might need a touch more oil and/or water during the mixing process. 
  2.  Divide the dough into 3 balls.
  3.  Use food coloring to make a ball of each red, blue, and yellow.
  4.  Divide each colored ball into 4 balls of each of those colors. 12 balls total.
  5.  Mix in different combinations two balls of different colors to get your secondary colors, and two of the same color to get your primary. Dividing it that way makes it so you roughly have the same amount of each color. (Hi, remember me from above, perfectionist?)
So now you have six  balls of six different colors.
  1.  red + red= red
  2.  red + yellow= orange
  3.  yellow + yellow= yellow
  4.  yellow + blue= green
  5.  blue + blue= (surprise!) blue 
  6.  blue+ red= purple (sort of, have you ever met a color more hard to mix than a nice purple???)
Tip: If your dough gets a little dry when you're playing around with it, just damped your hands and smoosh the balls around. It'll get right back to its original pliability. 

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